Fall Festival Outreach

September 23, 2023 10:00am - 6:00pm

Fall Festival Outreach

We’re moving forward to engage again with our community.  And what better way to do that than by connecting with something that’s already happening—the Fall Festival.

So mark your calendar for Saturday, September 23, 10:00am – 6:00pm.

Here’s what’s going to be happening in our church building:

· Art displays by local artists

· Music performances by our own FBC talent

· Face-painting, art lessons & coloring corner for kids

· Sidewalk chalk art for teens

· Handing out bottles of water with church info/Scripture reference

· Opportunities to connect with the people who come

· Raffle for a painting donated by Mark Dorr

Here’s how you can be involved:

· Connection Team:  Greeting people as they pass by/park in our lot;  handing out bottles of water; inviting them in. Point of contact:  Judy Rinkin

· Music Performers:  Play some “background” music for about 30  minutes in the church lobby. Point of contact:  Cindy Forrest

· Children’s Team:  Help with children’s activities. Point of contact:  Judy Rinkin

· Teen Team:  Help teens with sidewalk art projects. Point of contact:  Tina Robison

· Operations Team:  Keep church/bathrooms clean and supplies stocked.  Point of contact:  Mike Rinkin

· Set up/Tear down Teams:  Help set up on Friday and tear down/ clean up on Saturday. Point of contact:  Pastor Barry

Pray the Lord uses our event to connect people to Him.

And pray about how you’ll be involved.  Email any of the points of contact to volunteer or fill out the volunteer form at the Coffee Corner in the church lobby on Sunday.